Friday, April 5, 2013

38 Weeks

I can't believe I am 38 weeks pregnant.  I am so happy and so blessed.

I absolutely love feeling my baby girl move.  She still loves the right side of my belly but sometimes I find her on my left.  I have carried so high my whole pregnancy that I don't know what it is like to not have my baby in my ribs.  The past week or two she has slowly been moving down and I actually have room by my ribs.  It is so weird having the pressure move down but it is a good sign that she is dropping and getting into place for delivery.  Scott and I both think it is weird that my belly has changed so much in the past few weeks.  The third trimester is crazy.  My belly is getting lower and bigger and I am starting to break out.  I have never broke out like this.  

I have my hospital bag ready to go and the car seat is by the door.  A few weeks ago I went and got sized for a nursing bra, just in case they had to order my size.  Come to find out when I got sized I was an E and they do carry E cups in the store.  Yes E-cups.  You try packing around a belly and the girls.  My back is sure ready for a break.  I bought one wire nursing bra and then I got the Wrap Nursing Sleep Bra.  It is so comfortable and it doesn't have a wire so it is awesome.  It was also only 19 dollars.  I might have to go buy another one because I have a feeling I will be in that one the most, especially when I am at home.

The other day I was outside talking to my neighbor, who is also due this month, with her second baby, and she asked if I remember what it felt like to not be pregnant.  Honestly I have no idea.  When I found out I was pregnant I was heavier than I wanted to be so I was in maternity clothes at the start of my second trimester because it was more comfortable and flattering on me.  With that said I can't wait to be in normal clothes and get my body back in shape.  It will be a lot of work but I am motivated to lose the pounds.

When I went in for my 35 week doctor visit I had high blood pressure.  My doctor checked it again and it was still kinda high so he sent me to Labor and Delivery to get monitored.  I laid in a hospital bed hooked up to a blood pressure monitor, contraction monitor, and a monitor that tracks the babies heart beat.  Every 10 minutes the blood pressure monitor would go off.  I was at the hospital for over an hour and I had one bad number out of all the other numbers that came up.  I also had to get my blood work done.  My doctor had me do a 24 hour urine sample test, so every time I went to the bathroom I had to collect it and put it in a big orange jug.  I could not miss a drop!  My results all came back wonderful and my blood pressure has been fine since.  My doctor still has me under watch for my blood pressure.  If the numbers worry him he will most likely induce me sooner than my due date.

I hope that my baby comes on her own terms and comes out naturally.  If I have to be induced and my body isn't favorable it runs the risk of a c-section.  I would prefer to push her out but if a c-section will keep my baby and I safe that is the route I will take.

On a side note, our house is for sale!  It is so crazy having our first home that we bought together up for sale.  As I was typing that sentence I got a text message saying someone wants to come see our house at noon.  Scott and I are both nervous and excited to be selling our house.  It will be an adventure but having Scott by my side I know I will be perfectly fine.  I know the right buyer will come at the right time and so will the baby and it will be a smooth transition for my little family.

One more thing.  We finally have a name for our baby girl.  Her name will be.....

Kylee Desirae Dalton

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