Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Last Two Months

The last two months have been busy and awesome.  We sold our house in May and moved to Circleville, UT and so far we are loving it.  We are renting from Scott's uncle until the house we bought gets finished.  The house we are renting has such a good size yard and it is so awesome.  When I mow the lawn I have to empty out the bag more than I did at our last house.

On May 26th we had Kylee's baby blessing at the church and I am so grateful my family was here.  Jessica and Josh's family all crashed in the house we are renting and my parents stayed in Richfield.  It was so fun camping out with my sister and brother.  I love my family so much and I appreciate them making the trip out for Kylee's special day.  Kylee wore the same blessing outfit Desi and I wore.  She looked so cute!!

I have sure missed my family and nephews.  When my family got into town I went up to Eagle Mountain to spend time with them before we all drove down to Circleville.  The girls did some shopping, which was awesome, and the boys watched the kids.  One day we went to the Dinosaur park and it was so fun!  My nephew Levi was afraid of the dinosaurs but at the same time he loved it.  I loved hanging out with my sister. I have really missed her.  We talk on the phone but being with each other is always better.

It has been fun going on walks to visit Scott and see his progress on the house.  We love having Scott come home for lunch and just for visits when he needs a break.  Tuesday he started his new job hauling oil down to Lost Hills, California.  This morning he is home and Kylee is talking his ear off.  It is the cutest thing!!  We are glad he found a good job but we have been spoiled having him just down the street.

Kylee is getting so big.  She just had her two month shots and she didn't do that bad.  She cried but her daddy came to the rescue.  She sure wasn't herself these passed few days.  She was just so tired but now she has been smiling and talking up a storm.  I love hearing her talk and she does this high pitched scream and then smile.  It is so funny.

She has just started lifting her feet up close to her head.  I can't wait until she finds her feet.  She sure kicks and moves her arms a bunch these days.  She is just getting so active and I love it.

Kylee sleeps pretty good at night.  She never sleeps longer than a 5 hour run yet but she is good about eating and going back to bed.  This morning we slept until 8am.  Now she is laying next to me talking.

Her smiles melt my heart.  She is just so happy and it is the cutest thing to see her smile.

She sucks on her hand and she has also started hitting herself.  Her arms just move so fast that she sometimes hits her head or stomach.  

She loves taking baths.  She loves her head being rubbed.  When I give her a bath I have to lift her double chin to clean under it.  It is so funny and cute.  She has splashed water on me a few times.

She loves being outside but hates when it is super windy.

Loves her pacifier
Loves going on walks
She is starting to hold her head up a lot better
Loves her car seat
Does so well in church
Sometimes she puts herself to sleep, especially after her awake time
She is getting so alert and when Scott and I talk she will look for us.
She eats so well.  I still haven't used a bottle with her.  I haven't found a need to use one because she nurses so well.  I got the goods.
I am almost done losing all my pregnancy weight but then I have a lot more to lose after that.

I just love my little family.  Scott and Kylee are just so amazing!  I have been blessed.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Kylee's Birth Story

Friday, April 5th, I was 38 weeks pregnant.  Like normal I posted a belly picture to keep my family and friends updated on my pregnancy.  Earlier that week I noticed I started to look different in my face.  I asked Scott if he thought I looked swollen but he said I just looked exhausted.  When I posted my 38 week picture my mom and sister noticed I looked sick and swollen.  My mom and I talked that morning and she said to keep an eye on it, especially because I was having headaches for a few days.  My sister called my mom and told her I looked sick and needed to get looked at.  My mom told me to go to the hospital and get my blood pressure checked because I was having 2 of the 4 high blood pressure symptoms my doctor told me to look for. Pre-Eclampsia stinks!
You can't see it that well but my eyes and face are swollen.

I got to Orem Community Hospital about 3 pm and the nurses, who were awesome and funny, told me I was not going home without a baby.  My blood pressure monitor went off every ten minutes and my diastolic (bottom number) ranged from 98 to 107.  That is HORRIBLE!!  My last test the nurses wouldn't even tell me what the results were because it was that bad.  I did blood work and a pee sample and then they checked me and I was at 1cm and 60%.  The on call doctor was going to induce me unless things went south they would do an emergency C-Section. Scott had planned to get off work early that day to go to Circleville but when he called and checked up on me I told him that our baby girl was going to be here tonight or tomorrow.  I just cried because I was so nervous and scared.  The nurses had to use this little machine on my belly to wake up and move Kylee so they could keep track of her heart beat.  It was scary when they couldn't find it or find a good spot for my monitor.  I just wanted her to be healthy and I was just scared of what was to come.  Scott got to the hospital right as they were about to take me to my labor and delivery room.  Can I just say my hospital was amazing.  I loved all my nurses! Scott called my brother to come to the hospital to help him give me a blessing.  Then Scott and Josh just hung out with me for a little bit longer while the nurses got me hooked up to monitors and an IV, which the nurse tried putting in my wrist but I was to swollen.  She kept trying and it hurt SO bad!  She finally put it in my right hand but every time my blood pressure monitor went off my wrist would hurt so bad because of her multiple attempts at putting my IV there.  My brother ended up leaving later that evening and Scott hung out with me and updated my family and his family.  Scott left later to go get my hospital bag, car seat, get his Tdap shot, hair cut and some dinner and I just hung out in my hospital bed with shock and excitement.  

The nurse came in about 6:30 pm to start inducing me.  They had me on Cervidal for 12 hours.  It didn't start to effect me until the middle of the night.  I was in so much pain.  My contractions were killing me.  I was super thirsty so my nurse brought me a large cup of water and I chugged it..  I guess that is a big no no.  I unhooked all my monitors and hurried to the bathroom and barfed lots of water.  The nurse told me to make sure I sip the water from here on out.  Around midnight I was in so much pain that the nurse was giving me pain meds through my IV every hour that I needed them, which was every hour.  As soon as she would give it to me I would get dizzy and then it would stop and because I was so exhausted I would fall fast asleep.  I always woke up hurting about 20 minutes before I was allowed to get more medicine.  I really didn't want to keep getting pain medicine but I was hurting!  Finally it was 6:30 am, on April 6th, and my nurses took out the cervidal.  About 20 minutes after it came out I got super sick and went to the bathroom and barfed some more.  When I was walking back to my bed the nurses were walking in to start me on Pitocin.  I sat on my bed and all of the sudden water was all over.  I was like either I just peed myself, but I just got done going, or my water broke.  They were a little shocked because they weren't expecting that to happen on its own.  So I smelled the fluid and it was not pee.  They checked me and I was at 2cm. 

As soon as my water broke I was in the worst pain ever!  No position felt comfortable and I was hyperventilating and trying not to cry.  My monitors weren't tracking my contractions right and they were struggling to keep track of Kylee's heart beat so they inserted monitors inside me to keep a better eye on us.  To find Kylee they had to use the machine again that moved her around in order to get her heart beat.  They even tickled Kylee's head.  Yes, it was weird, but whatever they needed to do in order to get Kylee moving.  Once they got the monitors inside me they realized my contractions were every 30 seconds.  They were like no wonder why you are in so much pain.  My contractions were stressing Kylee out and my nurse just stared at the monitor the whole time.  I thought it was weird. She didn't tell me much because I was already struggling with the contractions and breathing.  My nurse left to go talk to the doctor about what to do because Kylee was struggling and she went to go get the anesthesiologist to give me my epidural because I was struggling.  It was getting close to an hour of horrible pain and Scott asked what he could do to help and I just said go find my epidural.  Well I could see his feet in the door way and thought to myself, he isn't doing crap.  haha So I paged the nurses station almost in tears.  Finally the anesthesiologist came in and had tons of questions.  I just wanted to yell at him to hurry but I didn't.  They sat me up and I was hurting so bad.  My nurse kept saying "Krista, you need to breathe, you need to relax".  Once I would get relaxed I would start freaking out again. I had Scott rub my back but that just hurt worse so I told him to stop.  Then a nurse walked in and tried touching my back and I about freaked out.  I was hurting so bad.

Once my epidural was in, which it did not hurt me,  I finally relaxed and was in heaven.  It was amazing.  They were like now you know what natural child birth is like.  It was horrible.  My mom says pain from being induced is always worse than going into labor naturally.  It was now about 8:20 am.  The epidural also helped my contractions go from every 30 seconds to every 2 minutes.  The baby was still a little iffy.  Before I got my epidural I was at 5 cm.  Yep I went from 2 cm to 5 in an hour.  While my nurse was watching the babies heart rate I told her my crotch tickled.  She said why does it tickle.  I said I don't know but it does.  With every contraction it would tickle.  So she checked me and was like um you are at a 10 and 100% and the baby is ready to come.  She left to go tell the doctor and he came in and said yep you are ready to go.  He left Scott and the nurse with me to start pushing.  At 9:42 am I started to push.  The first set of 3 nothing. The second set of 3 she started to come.  The third set of 3 a little more.  Then the first push of the 4th set she crowned and the nurse told me to stop.  She told Scott to hold my knees and she went and got the doctor.  Everyone came in and got ready for Kylee to come.  Once the doctor was ready I pushed two more times and out she came.  Scott cut the umbilical cord, which was very tiny.  They took her right away.  At the time I didn't know that they had to resuscitate Kylee.  I laid in the hospital bed thinking why isn't she crying, now I know why.  Then I finally heard her cry and I saw Scott smile. While the doctor was stitching me up, he had to cut me because he thought Kylee would be bigger and because she was in stress he needed her to come asap, I just sat and watch Scott and the nurses and thought to myself, I can't believe she is here.  When they weighed her they were shocked and then put her back on the scale and they said she is a little one.  Once my placenta came out the doctor said it was horrible and it was not doing its job.  

I came to the hospital at the right time because my blood pressure was horrible, my umbilical cord was horrible and my placenta was horrible.  They said they don't know what a few more days would have done to Kylee.  She might not have made it if I went to much further in my pregnancy.  

Once they got Kylee all checked out they brought her to me for Skin to Skin and I just cried.  Scott and I made this adorable heatlhy baby.  She was perfect.  Tiny but perfect.  She was amazing and the moment was amazing.  Scott and I had a baby and she was healthy.  

Kylee sure didn't know she was little.  She came out latched on and has been latched ever since.  At the hospital we did have to supplement with formula because she needed more food than she was getting from me at the moment.  Her blood sugar was low so we needed to feed her as much as possible to keep her numbers up.  Kylee hasn't had formula since the first night home.  One feeding her first night home we had to top her off with a bottle.  But she has been bottle free since.  Momma has the goods and it is making her nice and healthy.  

In order for Kylee to come home with Scott and I on Monday her blood sugar levels had to be above 50 and her test early in the morning was under 50.  They tested her one more time a few hours later and it was above 50 and the doctor was fine with her coming home with us, only because she was latching so well.  They sent us home with little bottles just in case she stopped breast feeding.  But she didn't.  When my milk came in that week it was a struggle.  I was so glad my mom was here to help because it took us both to get her to latch.  E-cups full of milk and a 5lb 4oz baby, ya it was struggle but I wasn't giving up and it paid off.

When we took her back to the doctors that Wednesday she had gained half an ounce and her doctor was very excited. She has been doing well ever since.  My baby is sure making up for the lack of food she was getting inside the womb.

When I went to the hospital and they told me I wasn't leaving without a baby my mom, dad, and sister got a plan together to come to Utah to be here for me.  They left at midnight and drove all night and would have made it if I didn't deliver so quickly.  I was so happy to have my whole family there to welcome Kylee Desirae into the world.  It meant so much to me!  I love my family.  They would do anything for me and I would do anything for them.

I love my little family and I am so blessed for Scott and Kylee.  They are everything to me!  I am so happy and so in love!!  I don't know what I would do without them.

Kylee Desirae born April 6, 2013 10:02am 5lbs, 8oz and 18.5in long

After Kylee's bath

Waiting to go home on Monday.

I am a MOM!!  So in love.  One of the best days of my life.

My awesome nurse Andrea.  

Getting her bath.  

Friday, April 5, 2013

Kylee Is Coming Early

Just a little update.  So at my 35 week check up I had high blood pressure.  My doctor sent me to labor and delivery to get monitored and get blood work done.  The blood pressure monitor would go off every 10 minutes and I was there for over an hour.  All numbers were fine except for two.  My doctor then had me do a 24 hour urine sample and the results came back with awesome numbers.  Since 35 weeks my blood pressure has been fine.  I think it was Wednesday when I woke up and asked Scott if my face looked swollen, sign of high blood pressure, he said I just looked tired. Well then I started getting headaches, which are common for me, but are another sign of high blood pressure.  Today I posted my 38 week picture and mom and sister were worried so I came to the hospital to get checked.  Yep, my blood pressure was high and they told me I wasn't leaving without a baby.  I got nervous and excited and scared.  Scott got off work and came to the hospital right before they moved me to my delivery room.  My brother also came down and come to find out he also thought my face looked swollen. Geeze was everyone afraid to tell me or what? Lol so here I am.  I have been here since 3:15pm.  My blood work and urine test came back with awesome results so they are inducing me.  Hopefully all goes well and I can delivery vaginally like I want to but if a c-section keeps the baby and I safe then that's what will have to happen. At about 4pm they checked my cervix and I was 1cm and 60%E.  my blood pressure has gone way down so I'm excited! Contractions are more common.  My mom, dad, Jessica and baby Brooklyn will be coming out.  Dad and Jess are making a quick trip but I am sooooo excited they will be here this weekend! My mom will be here until next weekend maybe longer.  I kinda threw off the time she had scheduled off closer to my due date.  Can't wait for my family to get here and can't wait to start my family with Scott!! We will keep everyone posted.  Love you all.

Scott and I are very excited! We will be a family of three soon : )

38 Weeks

I can't believe I am 38 weeks pregnant.  I am so happy and so blessed.

I absolutely love feeling my baby girl move.  She still loves the right side of my belly but sometimes I find her on my left.  I have carried so high my whole pregnancy that I don't know what it is like to not have my baby in my ribs.  The past week or two she has slowly been moving down and I actually have room by my ribs.  It is so weird having the pressure move down but it is a good sign that she is dropping and getting into place for delivery.  Scott and I both think it is weird that my belly has changed so much in the past few weeks.  The third trimester is crazy.  My belly is getting lower and bigger and I am starting to break out.  I have never broke out like this.  

I have my hospital bag ready to go and the car seat is by the door.  A few weeks ago I went and got sized for a nursing bra, just in case they had to order my size.  Come to find out when I got sized I was an E and they do carry E cups in the store.  Yes E-cups.  You try packing around a belly and the girls.  My back is sure ready for a break.  I bought one wire nursing bra and then I got the Wrap Nursing Sleep Bra.  It is so comfortable and it doesn't have a wire so it is awesome.  It was also only 19 dollars.  I might have to go buy another one because I have a feeling I will be in that one the most, especially when I am at home.

The other day I was outside talking to my neighbor, who is also due this month, with her second baby, and she asked if I remember what it felt like to not be pregnant.  Honestly I have no idea.  When I found out I was pregnant I was heavier than I wanted to be so I was in maternity clothes at the start of my second trimester because it was more comfortable and flattering on me.  With that said I can't wait to be in normal clothes and get my body back in shape.  It will be a lot of work but I am motivated to lose the pounds.

When I went in for my 35 week doctor visit I had high blood pressure.  My doctor checked it again and it was still kinda high so he sent me to Labor and Delivery to get monitored.  I laid in a hospital bed hooked up to a blood pressure monitor, contraction monitor, and a monitor that tracks the babies heart beat.  Every 10 minutes the blood pressure monitor would go off.  I was at the hospital for over an hour and I had one bad number out of all the other numbers that came up.  I also had to get my blood work done.  My doctor had me do a 24 hour urine sample test, so every time I went to the bathroom I had to collect it and put it in a big orange jug.  I could not miss a drop!  My results all came back wonderful and my blood pressure has been fine since.  My doctor still has me under watch for my blood pressure.  If the numbers worry him he will most likely induce me sooner than my due date.

I hope that my baby comes on her own terms and comes out naturally.  If I have to be induced and my body isn't favorable it runs the risk of a c-section.  I would prefer to push her out but if a c-section will keep my baby and I safe that is the route I will take.

On a side note, our house is for sale!  It is so crazy having our first home that we bought together up for sale.  As I was typing that sentence I got a text message saying someone wants to come see our house at noon.  Scott and I are both nervous and excited to be selling our house.  It will be an adventure but having Scott by my side I know I will be perfectly fine.  I know the right buyer will come at the right time and so will the baby and it will be a smooth transition for my little family.

One more thing.  We finally have a name for our baby girl.  Her name will be.....

Kylee Desirae Dalton

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Umbilical Cord

Tomorrow I will officially be 35 weeks!  Only 5 more weeks until my due date.  So exciting!

I had my first baby shower on March 9th and it was so nice, relaxing and fun.  We played this baby food guessing game and I was horrible!!  I got 1 right out of 12.  I swear one smelled like lemons and my sister and brother-in-law were like who gives baby lemons? haha. I tasted a few as well and still didn't get them right.  It was so fun though.  I am so grateful for those who came because I am away from almost all my family, so to have support and people out here who came to my shower made me feel so blessed and loved.  So glad my Aunt Sandie, Mia and Scott's Aunt Kate were there.  Love you guys!  I am sure getting the things I need and I am starting to feel more prepared... well as prepared as one can be.  I have been getting presents from Scott, when he goes down to Circleville, from family and it is just so helpful and sweet.

This week I went to an ultra sound appointment on Tuesday and found out the baby has a normal size head, measuring a few days smaller and her umbilical cord is wrapped once around her neck.  I guess 50 percent of babies will have the umbilical cord wrapped once around their necks but it is scary.  I have to make sure she is moving like she is supposed too and making sure the movements are normal and not crazy (like stress mode crazy).  When I went to my doctors appointment, Wednesday, he had to go do a C-Section so I talked to another doctor who told me she weighed in at 5lbs 2oz, he also told me to make sure her movements are normal.

Today was beautiful weather so I was outside for most of it and the baby was a little bit quiet and then she just kinda stopped.  I kept thinking she was asleep but then I kinda freaked out.  I went inside to eat and drink some water and still nothing.  Then I laid on the floor in a few positions to try to wake her.  Scott kept calling and I kept it cool.  I finally felt a little movement but I wanted more.  Scott had me go to my neighbor, Jenny Smith's, house to get her doppler to find the heart beat and I did.  She was in there.  She must have just been enjoying the 70 degree weather as well.  I think I needed to drink more water too.  As  I am typing this she is moving a lot more.  It is just so scary.  The fact that I know that the umbilical cord is around her neck just makes me worry that much more.  I am glad the appointments are now every week and that I am aware of this issue because I can keep an eye on the babies movement, even if it freaks me out some times.

I sure love being pregnant and I am ready to be a mom.  I have such a wonderful husband who has and is making it possible for me to be a stay at home wife and mother.  The baby can really come any day to a week late but I sure hope she stays in there at least until she is 38 weeks, if she decides to come early.  I know most first time moms go later but anything can happen.  If she decides to go a week later than her due date my mom will be having me walking around until she comes.  My mom is coming to Utah the day before my due date for 10 days, so I just really want the baby to come closer to my due date so my mom can spend time with both of us and help me get into a good breast feeding routine and just help me with the baby.  I can't believe after 10 months of trying, a miscarriage and going on clomid I am finally 5 weeks away from holding a baby in my arms.  It has been a long 18 months of trying and being pregnant and just one more month to go.  YAY!

Friday, February 22, 2013

32 weeks

I can't believe I am 32 weeks. I feel like I've been pregnant FOREVER.  Some months have gone by fast but some haven't.  I have loved being pregnant.  I'm already sensitive so I was hoping pregnancy would make me tough but it has made me just more emotional.  I am so glad I have a husband who holds me and gives me kisses when I break down for no reason.

I have had an easy pregnancy  but last week I had heart burn! Twice! I thought I was going to die.  I went through the whole pregnancy without any heart burn.  I guess I should have knocked on wood when I said I haven't experienced heart burn yet.  It is the worst thing.

I have gone in spurts of being good at walking and lately I have started walking and I love it.  I do feel so good after.  My arches hurt some days when I walk.  Not every time I walk but sometimes I have to cut my walk down because the bottom of my feet will hurt.  If I stretch my feet and do the stair stepper I can get back on the treadmill to finish my walk.  I will be honest sometimes it is hard to walk on the treadmill but I know it will help me after the baby comes if I get into the routine now.

My sweet baby girl still loves my ribs.  Sometimes at night though when I am propped up against the headboard trying to sleep, My stomach will hurt a little and I look down to find a lopsided belly.  It is the craziest thing.  Usually she is on my right side.  I always make Scott look because it is weird to have a smaller left side and then a mountain on the right side.

Scott and I are so thankful and blessed for the gifts we have received from family and friends thus far.  Who knew babies needed so much stuff.  We sure didn't.  We are grateful for the people in our lives who are helping us prepare! She will be here in no time.

We still haven't picked a baby name.  We have some we like but haven't picked yet.  We have a middle name.  We will be doing my sisters name, Desirae.  Now we just need to pick the babies first name.

I am so excited for the next 8 weeks until my due date.  I go in next week to see my doctor and the my visits will be getting closer and closer until she is here.  I can't wait! I have always dreamed about being pregnant.  With my mom being a labor and delivery nurse and seeing my sister Jessica have babies I have just wanted to experience pregnancy and motherhood and I have loved the journey so far.  I will love the next 8 weeks, even if I'm I pain or uncomfortable.  Then I will get to experience motherhood and taking care of a baby.  Being a wife and a mom will be awesome.  Taking care of my sweet husband and a newborn will be fun and an adventure.  I cant wait to see Scott hold our baby girl in his arms.  He will be a great father.  I am blessed to be experiencing this journey with the love of my life.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Made My Day

Last night I was so exhausted but I didn't fall asleep until after midnight because I could not get comfortable. Once I got to sleep I had to keep waking up to pee, half the time with my eyes shut because I was so tired.  I woke up early to see Scott before he went to work and then out of town and cleaned and finally took an hour nap.  It has been a long night and long day.  Scott asked me to run some errands that took me 3 hours and I was just exhausted and kinda grumpy and emotional.  When I left the University Mall, one of Kenny Rogers song came on the radio,Through the Years. This song has always made me emotional because when I was little I used to watch my Papa's funeral video all the time and it is just a good song.  So on my drive back to the American Fork Home Depot, I just cried through the whole song.  If you don't know the song look it up.  So I went to Home Depot and on my way to Scott's work I stopped by Burger King because I was starving.  I am waiting in the drive-thru line and when I got to the window the worker said "the lady in front of you paid for your meal and wants you to have the change, which was 4 dollars.  I was shocked.  I teared up a little.  This stranger made my day.  The girls in the window asked if I knew her and I said no and I have never had someone do that for me and I was having a rough day and she just made my day.

When I left Burger King I was still blown away.  When I got to Scott's work I cried because this lady has no idea how she made my day.  Scott was all "you don't look haggard".  I was like I was just sitting in my car with my head against the head rest but she either saw that I looked tired or she had a feeling I was having a rough day but whatever it was she paid for my lunch and I am so thankful for that sweet act of kindness.  I just broke down and Scott just smiled at me.  Scott asked what was wrong and I just said I was so tired and that was so sweet and that I was going to miss him this weekend.  He smiled and said babe I am going to miss you too.  I think he was trying to not talk to much because I make that strong man emotional : )  he loves me for it.  Scott then told me that he was thankful for me running errands for him and told me to give him a hug.  I love being in his arms.  After seeing Scott my day turned around.  I am still exhausted but the lady at burger king and being in my husbands arms made me realize how blessed I am.  

Scott is so good to me.  I love you Scott!!  I am very blessed.  I have had lots of trials in my life and will continue to have them but with Scott by my side I know I can get through any of them.  I would not change a thing. I love being pregnant, even when I don't get sleep.  I love being married to my sweet husband.  Scott and I just purchased 8 acres with a small house and Scott has a lot of work ahead of him to make the house something we could live in but I know he can do it and will make that little house a home for our growing family.  We have a lot of exciting things happening this year and I am glad Scott will be by my side for it all.  He is my best friend and love of my life.  I am blessed!

I can't believe tomorrow I will be 32 weeks.  I am loving all the support from family and friends.  I have started getting bigger baby items from family in the mail and it has really hit me that the baby is almost here.  I AM SO EXCITED.  I love waking up to packages on my door step.  I can't wait for my baby showers as well.  I still have a lot of stuff I need for the baby before she comes.  Thank you to everyone who has sent us stuff thus far.  We are blessed to have such good people in our life.  Also, Scott's cousin pointed out that in my last blog it sounded like I had gestational diabetes but I don't.  I was surprised to be honest but I am so thankful that I don't have to worry about gestational diabetes.  My doctor said my results from my test were amazing and that I was healthy.  

I love random acts of kindness.
I love my husband!
I love my family and friends.

I am very blessed!  Love you all

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

30 weeks

So I am officially 30 weeks on Friday but I had my 30 week appointment today and everything was wonderful.  He told me my sugar levels from my gestational diabetes test were AMAZING and I am healthy and so is my little wiggler.  I also can't believe from here on out my doctors appointments are getting closer and closer together.  Only 10 more weeks until my due date.  So crazy!  I still have so much to do and lots to buy.  One thing that is exciting is my sister is giving me her expensive swing like this one

I am also getting her bassinet.  My mom is buying my stroller and car seat, whenever it comes available, it is sold out everywhere.  I sure hope it becomes available soon so we can get it in before the baby comes.  That would be helpful haha.  But I am so grateful for my mom and sister who are helping us out.  You guys are amazing.  I am excited for my two baby showers coming up in March.  March will be a very busy month.  I am excited to get the nursery ready.  I need to get a crib and changing table.  I keep changing my mind on how I want the nursery to look but I think I have figured it out.  I can't wait for my baby girl but she better stay in there until April.  I want her fully grown and healthy. 

I must say I have had a pretty easy pregnancy.  I only barfed because I was sick.  I do get dizzy occasionally and I do get nauseous but I have had it pretty good.  Last night, however, I did break down and cry because my right hip was hurting, I didn't feel good and I don't always get a good nights rest.  I haven't had any heart burn, even though I eat a lot of spicy food, I think the baby likes a little spice (she is our daughter for sure). I do have to wear my glasses more often because my eyes hurt a lot more since I have been pregnant but I can't really complain.  Last night when I broke down Scott just laughed a little and said what is wrong and I just bawled and he had me come sit by him and I laid my head on his chest and he just held me and laughed.  I kept saying it wasn't funny but he was right, it was pretty funny.  I have been so good about not crying even though I am a huge baby but I think it just built up and poured out.  My sweet husband was so good to me.  I just needed to be in his arms and then I was better and happy after that.  

How far along? Two days shy of 30 weeks.
Total Weight Gain: 20 lbs
Stretch marks?  No
Sleep: I had two good days this week so far but last night wasn't good.  I just want to sleep flat on my back.
Best moment this week: Scott holding me in his arms while I cry like a big baby.  Also, today we went on a lunch date during his break.
Miss Anything? Sleeping on my back and stomach.
Movement: She is a wiggler for sure.
Food cravings: Nothing really. 
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? Wedding band is on but not my main ring.
I can't believe I only have 10 more weeks!  We are so excited.  

Saturday, February 2, 2013

29 weeks and growing.

I can't believe I'm 29 weeks. I feel like I've been pregnant forever but I'm so excited to be in the home stretch because we can't wait to see our little bundle of joy ( she better stay in there until April though).  In the book ,What to Expect When Your Expecting, it says at 29 weeks that the baby can be as tall as 17in and can weigh nearly 3lbs. That is so crazy to me! She still has a lot to grow and I will be getting more uncomfortable as she grows but it is all worth it!

She is a little wiggler. She still kicks and nudges me but she loves to roll around and do flips, or whatever it is she is doing.. She is frequently right under my right boob which I don't mind because it is more comfortable if I'm sitting down. In the morning she usually kicks me until I wake up.  Like she goes crazy and wiggles and kick and shimmys and I wake up because I like to watch my belly bounce around.  So far since I've been pregnant I have actually felt my baby. It is always at night but occasionally she rolls around and I can actually feel her and not just my belly moving and getting tight, I have felt like an arm or some form of the baby and it is so crazy! Definitely a different feeling and it always surprises me.

I sure don't sleep that well anymore.  I drink so much water and always have a glass next to my bed and of course then I'm up peeing all night.  I also can never really get comfortable.  I have never been the best side sleeper because my shoulders hurt me especially my left one.  I usually fall asleep propped up against my headboard and then I will find my way to usually my left side because some nights my right hip hurts.  Yes I am falling apart but it is so worth it.  I usually stretch every night so it helps me sleep better but not always. I do love my body pillow, it helps with my hips when I sleep. I just can't wait to sleep on my back again. I am grateful that I don't have to work because on nights I don't sleep we'll I am able to take a nap or go back to sleep once I send Scott off to work.  I have an awesome husband who has made it work with me not working and I am so blessed for that.  We are so much better at budgeting and it has actually been a blessing because we have been able to save more money.  Im just so excited to be a stay at home mom and wife and I love that Scott wants me to be a stay at home mom too. He is an amazing husband!

Scott and I are actually in the process of buying a little house on 8 acres in his home town of Circleville, Utah.  It will be a down size in the house size but it will also be a lower house payment as well and we will have 8 acres.  I can't wait to have room to do more stuff.  Scott has wanted to move for awhile and with a lot of praying this house and property came up and it has been a good decision thus far.  We also have talked about how if we would have done this sooner in our marriage it wouldn't have a been a good thing but the time was right, so we are taking advantage of this opportunity.  It will be a huge adjustment for the both of us but more for me.  I will be able to stay at home with the kids as long as I want.  We will be saving lots of money, so more money to travel and for me to go home to see my family.  A year ago, even 8 months ago I wouldn't have agreed to move but I see the blessing it will bring our little family.  It does stink that we won't be close to all the stores like we are now but we will just have to plan and prepare better.  We wont be moving until he fixes up the house in circleville and until the baby comes.  we just dont know what is behind the walls in this little house so it might take a lot longer or it might be just a few months.  one thing we decided on  is that we wont move until after the baby comes because this is our first baby and we dont know what to expect.  Communication is the best thing in a marriage! You always need to hear both peoples ideas and Scott and I communicate very well.  He is my best friend and the love of my life!

I am excited for this new adventure with him.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

My Cali Baby Shower

So yesterday I had a check up with my doctor and he said everything was good and healthy with the baby and myself.  I take my gestational diabetes test, in 2 weeks, before my 30 week appointment.  I told my doctor I was going to California, while I was 30 weeks pregnant, and he said I should be fine as long as I wasn't having labor symptoms.  He also told me other things that could go wrong with traveling that far along, not to scare me, but to educate me and open my eyes.  When I left I had concerns with traveling but I pushed them off.  Melissa Burk said she would ride home with me and everything was good to go.  I have just been so worried about it the travel since my appointment.  The fear of something happening and being stuck somewhere without Scott for weeks or months scared me.  If I had to deliver early and I was at my moms house I would go to her hospital and I would be fine but I would be stuck in California without Scott for weeks.  I still kept brushing it off because I really wanted to get home and have a baby shower.  I was talking to my mom, in the Walmart parking lot, and I asked what she thought about me traveling at 30 weeks.  She said I should be fine but if something happened on the drive or when I got home, to her house,  I could be stuck for weeks or months.   She was like "what if something happened in the middle of Nevada?  You wouldn't know any of the doctors.  If the baby came that early, would they have all the right stuff to help your baby girl?"

I broke down crying, yes I am a disaster.  : )  She was like Krista it sounds like you have fears and concerns already.  I told her I do but I was trying to brush them off because I wanted to get home and I didn't want to tell them we needed to post pone my baby shower.  I was really excited for my shower out there.  My sister and I picked out adorable invites and I was excited to come home.  My mom was like I have had concerns ever since you told me Scott wasn't coming with you, so I support you not coming out right now.  I asked if we could do the baby shower after the baby comes and she said that was a fantastic idea!  Then everyone can see my sweet baby girl, that won't be able to come see her after she is born.  I sucked up my tears and I felt so much better.  I just love talking to my mom!  Then, I called my sister and she was like Krista it is just a baby shower and we can do it later.  I love her!

I really like that I will have a shower after the baby comes because not everyone will be able to come see our baby after she is born out here in Utah.  I feel so much more relaxed now.  I just don't want to be away from Scott.  This is our first child and I just want him by my side!  But for all my California friends I will be coming out most likely in July after the 4th.  I can't wait!!   

Thursday, January 3, 2013

25 Weeks

Tomorrow I am officially 25 weeks!

I can't believe how fast but slow it goes.  I've been talking to my mom and sister a lot this week, getting ready for my baby shower in California, and I was all I have plenty of time still and they reminded me that I really don't.  January will go by fast and then my baby shower in February and then I swear March will fly by and then BAM it is April.  I am due April 19th, so really the baby can come early or late.  No one knows.  I need to deep clean my house, try to make some of my DIY stuff I want to make for our baby girl (which includes the crib bedding) and then clean out the nursery that is now my sewing room.  My sister helped me with my baby registry over the phone and then today we narrowed down and picked out the baby invitations.  My sister knows me pretty well : )  I am so happy my mom and sister are planning this shower for me.  Can't wait to come home one last time before the baby comes.

My mom just let me know today that she is planning to come out the day before I am due and will stay around 10 days or longer if possible and if needed.  I am so excited because she will be able to help me so much with the baby, with me getting some rest and with her being a labor and delivery nurse she will be able to help me with any questions in person instead of over the phone.  She will also help me with breast feeding if I am having problems.  She is excited because she is taking a course at work before the baby comes that will be helpful for me.  I am so blessed.  She said if I want my own personal time she will just go to my brothers house.  But how awesome will it be to have some help if I needed it.  A girl always needs her momma!

A few days ago Scott was finally able to feel our baby girl move.  It took him a few minutes but then she gave us a big kick and he was all "was that it"!  he was so excited and I was so excited as well.  He was all " What the heck is she doing?" haha.  She just rolls around and kicks.  New Years day she had the hiccups.  It was kinda funny.  At first I wasn't sure what she was doing and then it kept going.  I looked it up and yep it was hiccups.  I figured it was but wasn't sure if I was far enough along to feel it.

I am loving being pregnant.  Sometimes I don't get a bunch of sleep but lately I have been sleeping ok, just takes me awhile to get to bed.  I am feeling pretty good though.  Some days better than others but I am pretty happy and just excited that the baby moves so much more because it is the coolest feeling!  I am just so happy we are starting a family!  I love Scott so much and I am blessed  for all he does and that he works so hard so that I don't have to work.  I can't wait to be a stay at home mom.