Saturday, October 13, 2012

I am pregnant!!

Scott and I are so excited to announce that we are having a baby!  I am due April 19th.  I have been very paranoid about this pregnancy (due to a miscarriage in April) but I feel 13 weeks is safe to tell people.  We have seen the baby, heard the heart beat and my awesome neighbor Jenny let us borrow her doppler, so I have actually heard the babies heart beat multiple times.  The heart beat is so soothing!!

Scott and I have been wanting a baby for awhile and I am finally pregnant and couldn't be happier!!

We really want a boy first but if it is a girl we will be just as excited.

No weird cravings.  No barfing.

I have been nauseous and I am tired off and on but things have been good : )

                                     WE ARE PREGNANT AND SO EXCITED!!!

1 comment:

  1. How exciting!! I am so happy for you guys :D
