Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Potatoes are in!  I just started selling potatoes Monday afternoon and today and I am sold out!  I sold for 5 hours yesterday and 4 hours for today and I sold 45 bags.  I love potato season!  I find it can be a small world when you sell potatoes.

I have been meeting Scott for his lunch and he has been helping me set up my sign and he hangs out with me.   I love him!  I am still going to look for a new job but it is hard for me to do so when I make awesome money with potatoes.

My mom is coming into town on Saturday and I can't wait.  Hopefully I don't go broke : )  I have a lot of cleaning to do.  With my dad I can just clean when my mom comes I have to clean just a little bit more.  She doesn't really care but I do get a hug from here when my house is even cleaner than just picked up.

Scott and I have new things brewing in our life and we are excited for the road ahead.  I know I always say this but I just love him!  He is always workin so hard for the both of us and I am so blessed.

ALSO,  I love this time of year!  The trees in the mountains are bright red and the weather is changing.  I love it!  Time for the holidays!!  Pinterest ideas here I come!