Thursday, January 19, 2012

New Jobs

So I still love my job!  I work tons of hours and it's a lot of work but I love it.  We have some cute stuff in our store.  I have a lot to add to the website.  The other day we got in 3 boxes of toys!  It was like Christmas.  I bought these stacker toys,  there are 5 different size spinning things that can stack and they spin forever!  Well, Scott and I were having a contest who can stack all 5 and I won!  Well, Scott was able to do it but then he tried to do it faster and spun the top thing to hard and the spring broke. I'll have to find a picture of the toy.  Our kids better guard their toys, because Scott and I will play with them. haha.  I also got this thing called a Firefly.  It is a stick with a light and wings and then a rubberband part and it shoots in the air.  It is pretty awesome.  Cheap entertainment.

Scott put his two weeks in at Ames.  He has a job offer working for Rhinehart Oil.  We are both pretty excited. He has been working with Rhinehart for a few weeks and the offer is finally on the table!  He will actually be able to take time off without be threatened of losing his job because other people could replace him.  Ames was really good to Scott I am not going to deny that but this job will be more stable, especially with hours.  I will miss his overtime pay though.  But having Scott at home every weekend and we will be on the same work schedule is awesome! I am just so excited.  It is a good change.

Good things are happening and I am so grateful and blessed.  I love Scott so much and I am so grateful for him.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Oopsie Daisy

I love where I work.  I work with 4 other girls ( we are all K names except for one!)  and then the owner is always at work as well.  It is so fun!  I'm just so happy with the job so far.  I am the Inventory Manager and I just hang out in the back room working on the inventory and working on the website.  The owner of Oopsie Daisy is way cool.  His name is Robert and he used to be a CEO for Larry H. Millers company until he retired.  Then he opened San Gelato,  which is a really nice cafe.  Then after he got that up and running he opened Oopsie Daisy, a children's boutique.  Both of his stores are in South Jordan but he is trying to move Oopsie Daisy to either Draper or by the South Town Mall, which would be awesome for business.

So This week was my first week and it has been very busy.  I wake up with Scott every morning at about 6 and make his lunch and breakfast before he leaves for work.  Well... Yesterday I was making Scott a sandwich for lunch and do you know that wire tie on the sandwich bags?  Well I couldn't find it.  I looked every where!!  I finally gave up and then around 2pm I got a text from Scott saying "Could you not find the little wire thing to tie the bread this morning? I found it! The first bite into my sandwich."  HAHA my bad!  I am not use to working.  Scott's life would be boring without me : )   He also sent me a sweet text saying he missed having me at home.  Luckily I get home still at a good hour, but he is used to me being home when he gets home.  I want to be able to stay home and just be a mom, so for the time my job is a good idea so we can save more money.  I love Scott so much!! I do miss being home when he gets home.  Today I am off and I will be here when he gets home with dinner ready!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Oopsie Daisy

Today is my first full day at Oopsie Daisy.  I am the Inventory Manager.  I am excited and nervous.  Only myself and the new Store Manager are the only full time employees.  It will be a lot of fun.  I work with all girls, except for the owner, Rob Avery, and the website worker Bob, who works from home.  All the employees have K names except for one.  The owner thinks it's funny.

So my job is obviously in inventory.  I will be working 50% in the back keeping up on inventory and also 50% working on the website doing inventory for that.  Today, my goal, is too get the back organized.  It is a disaster back there.  I can't wait!  I love to organize.  Also, it will be like Christmas working inventory.  This store has the cutest stuff!  Some items are expensive but a lot of the items are reasonably priced.  I can't wait until the jitters are gone and I can just come to work and know how to do it all.  It will take some time to get comfortable with everything I need to learn but I am ready to kick it in the pants and get it done.  The employees I work with are so fun and easy going.

Now that I am a working women, I am also going to become a working out women again.  I wake up with Scott every morning and get him ready for work so now I am just going to stay up, workout, and then get ready for work.  This year will be a good year.

Christmas Break

This year, for Christmas, we went to California!  It was such an awesome trip.  We just sat and talked with family and friends and it was wonderful.  I couldn't have asked for a better trip.  We saw a few people from Scott's mission and played Awkward Family Photo game with the Almendariz family from Scott's mission.  It was so fun.  We later went out and bought the game.  It usually stays PG but some pictures go straight to crazy! lol.  

Christmas Eve, my family went to my sister's new house and it is huge and beautiful!  Christmas Day is a little bit crazier.  We woke up at 6:30 to open presents with the whole family.  Then we go to my grandparents house for breakfast and open presents from our grandparents.  Then we went to church for an hour.  Can I just say I loved church Christmas morning!  When we sang Joy To The World everyone got so into it and it was awesome.  

Later that day we went back to my grandparents house to eat dinner, which Scott didn't keep up.  It was bad.  He was all can you take me home so I did.  He just needed a breather.  So we went back to Grandma's and he walked in the front door and out the back and barfed all over the ground, where Obama (the dog) ate the barf.  My poor baby wasn't feeling good but he came back inside to do the white elephant gift exchange but just felt sick.  Scott left and when he got home barfed a couple of times and was starting to actually feel good.  He wanted to come back down for games but he fell asleep, which was the best thing he could have done.  

While he was sleeping, I was playing games with my cousins until 11pm.  It was so fun.  Pounce got a little crazy but we all know who won : ).  That would be Jill and I!  It was an awesome night.  

The next day Scott was feeling 100 percent better,  I guess this bug has been going around with symptoms like the flu.  A couple days later my dad got it.  

Christmas break was so much fun and a much needed trip!!  I love my family so much and it was good for them to hangout with Scott.  Jill hung out with us ALL day our last day and it was so much fun!  I LOVE MY FAMILY.